
5.21.2024 -

With the Updated CRA in Limbo, What Comes Next?

LISC’s Matt Josephs takes a look at the long-awaited modernization of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), calling it "fair, workable and strong." But he also warns of the chilling effects of uncertainty, as a legal challenge stalls implementation of the final rule, and offers a series of next steps for banks, regulators and community development practitioners. "Right now, it is critical that we maintain the momentum around CRA,” he writes.

4.23.2024 -

Laying the Cash Tracks for Community Impact

LISC CFO Christina Travers is among the impact investing leaders who contributed commentaries to a new book, The Social Justice Investor, and joined a panel discussion at today’s book launch. In her essay, “Laying the Cash Tracks,” (reprinted here) she explains the evolution of LISC’s capital markets experience—noting how discouraging Wall Street conversations eventually led to transformative, community-focused investments.

4.23.2024 -

Sharing the Story of Social Justice Investing

With the launch of the new book, The Social Justice Investor, LISC’s CFO Christina Travers, one of the book’s contributors, reflects on the ways that CDFIs have tapped the capital markets to deepen their impact—working to upend lingering misconceptions among some investors. “Whether we are financing affordable housing, small businesses, health, safety, climate resilience, racial equity or jobs, we see financial performance and local impact as part of the same whole.”

3.13.2024 -

LISC Named One of ImpactAssets 50 Emeritus Awardees for 2024

LISC has once more been named Emeritus Impact Manager for the ImpactAssets 50 (IA 50), a who’s-who of fund managers dedicated to creating positive social and environmental impact. The IA Emeritus category represents impact fund managers who have been on the IA 50 for at least five years. LISC is one of ten community development financial institutions (CDFIs) that were selected for this year’s IA 50, reflecting the critical role CDFIs continue to play to build more inclusive and equitable communities.

3.05.2024 -

Charter School Investments Can Help Upend ‘Zip Code Destiny’

Income, race and geography persistently define the educational landscape—year after year, in every state, across both urban and rural communities. "No matter where families might live—no matter their backgrounds or incomes—public education should offer kids the opportunity to reach their full potential,” writes LISC’s Yvonne Nolan, in a new blog commemorating 20 years of investments through LISC’s charter school financing program. “We refuse to stand by and let crumbling buildings undermine student learning and perpetuate inequality,” she says.

11.08.2023 -

LISC Twin Cities Celebrates $1 Billion in Investments in the Twin Cities

As it celebrates its 35th Anniversary, LISC Twin Cities announced another major milestone: $1 billion dollars of investments. Over three and a half decades, LISC Twin Cities has channeled all of this capital into transformative organizations and projects, strengthened community development infrastructure and changed systems that create and perpetuate inequality of opportunity.

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