Apply to join Faith and Housing!  

Program Description

Before applying, learn more about the program's offerings, schedule, and expectations here.  

How to Apply

Complete this application form. Applications close July 31, 2024. Email completed application and supporting documentation to with the subject line “Faith and Housing”. 

Who Should Apply

Faith-based organizations and other community-based organizations based anywhere in the 9-County Bay Area with land and a desire to turn it to affordable housing. (Organizations based in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma counties are all eligible.) 

What The Program Offers

Developing affordable housing requires specialized knowledge and relationships to successfully navigate project management, funding, deal structuring, and more. This program is provided free-of-charge to participants, thanks to generous funding support from our partners. Program components include:

  • Learning Lab: will include a) technical workshops covering the various topics in affordable housing development and b) opportunities to connect with and learn from other faith and community organizations, and c) access to monthly office hours where participants can speak 1:1 with LISC staff or program consultants and ask questions about their projects, topics covered in the learning lab, etc.
  • Intensive Technical Support: includes one year of individualized and intensive technical assistance to help faith and community organizations assess feasibility and move towards selecting a development partner and entering into a joint venture partnership. LISC supports the faith organization in selecting a development coach of their choice and provides resources for modest predevelopment activities. Participant organizations develop a workplan to guide their work, with individualized milestones to be met along the way.
  • Graduate Support: After ‘graduating’ from the year-long intensive support, LISC continues to offer support and advising to program participants. Organizations are invited to continue participating in Learning Labs, and will be eligible for additional resources, including forgivable loans of up to $150,000, as funds are available.

For more information on the program, including what cohort members receive, please read our full program description.


To be eligible to join the Learning Lab, the organization applying must meet these basic requirements:  

  • Be a faith-based and/or community-serving organization located in the 9-County Bay Area (religious or non-religious). 
  • Documented site control (deeded ownership or contracted permission to develop) of land or real estate located in the 9-County Bay Area. 
  • Mission-alignment with providing community services in benefit of the broader community is demonstrated in the organization’s articles of incorporation or other documents. 

Organizations wishing to receive Intensive Technical Support must meet additional criteria. LISC will work with you to complete a readiness and site assessment. Organizations that LISC cannot serve immediately are invited to continue attending learning labs and qualify for intensive TA support in the future.  

  • Site viability: 
  • Site viability that can yield an affordable housing project. LISC will work with program participants to complete a basic site assessment.  
  • Organizational readiness: 
  • Board/Membership have formally agreed to seriously evaluate the possibility of affordable housing for some or all of the property (documented in writing or in official meeting minutes). 
  • Organization can identify a tested organizational decision-making structure.  
  • Capacity to actively drive and participate in intensive technical assistance. LISC requires a designated point of contact who has at least 8 to 10 hours per month to manage the project representing the organization. We prioritize organizations who have participated in LISC trainings or the Learning Labs, who demonstrated consistent participation and engagement.  
  • Readiness to conduct or continue predevelopment activities.