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Shared wealth: Expanding our views on homeownership


How can Chicago neighborhoods balance growth and investment in their housing markets while preserving affordability for current and future residents? This was the main question explored at LISC Chicago’s first Community Conversation earlier this fall, hosted by Citi. The Conversation featured two tools that can make homeownership opportunities more accessible while securing affordability for future generations: Community Land Trusts and Limited Equity Cooperatives.  

Meghan Harte, LISC Chicago’s Executive Director, moderated a panel of four experts in the field of home ownership strategies:

The panelists shared their expertise and views on the potential of increasing the number of people who can access wealth through shared ownership. They also recognized the growing body of knowledge from work around the country.

Panelists speaking about shared wealth and expanding our views on homeownership
Panelists speaking about shared wealth and expanding our views on homeownership

The panelists, in addition to discussing the potential of these tools, also highlighted some challenges to growing a shared equity model in Chicago, and mentioned how different actors can promote these models:

Ultimately, expanding our collective thinking on models of equity and ownership will be key to ensuring that Chicago residents have adequate options to invest in their own futures and those of their communities.

Thank you to our host, Citi, panelists and attendees – we invite anyone who is interested in continuing the conversation to contact us or the panelists. Please stay tuned as LISC rolls out more Community Conversations in 2019.

Contact Jack Swenson, (312) 422-9574 for more information on LISC Chicago’s housing work.