
DATA AND PARTNERS TELL THE STORY: An Evaluation of the Building for Health Program

In 2019, Local Initiatives Support Corporation— Connecticut (LISC-CT) was awarded a three-year grant by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (HFPG) to create its Building for Health program. Building for Health is a collaboration between health, housing, and energy-related organizations. It seeks to improve the health of lower-income families and individuals in the Greater Hartford area by improving housing quality and energy efficiency. A more energy-efficient home is expected to directly reduce energy costs for the residents. The removal of hazards in the homes is expected to indirectly reduce healthcare costs related to healthcare utilization (e.g., urgent care visits for injuries or asthma exacerbation) or medicines (e.g., use of inhalers for asthma attacks). Fewer adverse health events are also expected to result in a reduction of lost work- and school days, as well as offering the intrinsic benefit of improved well-being. By lowering their cost burden, the households can reallocate their limited resources to other essential needs. 

In spring of 2022, the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) was selected by LISC-CT to perform an independent evaluation of their Building for Health program. LISC-CT requested an evaluation of the program with a particular interest in answering two questions: 

LISC-CT stated an interest in looking at the program outcomes over the past three years as well as trends and opportunities should the program continue. 

Through data and program analysis, NCHH has evaluated the efficiency, strengths, and limitations of this program. This report includes results from our approach to utilize data and perspectives of program partners to evaluate Building for Health’s three components, which include a cross-sector referral system between health, housing, and energy partners; building capacity among affordable housing owners or community development corporations (CDCs); and green and healthy housing policy advocacy. 

Data And Partners Tell The Story: An Evaluation of the Building for Health Program 2022 | SEPTEMBER

We are pleased to provide you with the final report, “Data and Partners Tell the Story: An Evaluation of the Building for Health Program,” prepared for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation— Connecticut (LISC-CT) and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (HFPG).