
Since 1990, LISC Detroit has...

  • Provided more than $354 million in grants, loans and program investments
  • Leveraged over $1.4 billion in physical and community development dollars
  • Financed the creation of more than 6,677 units of affordable housing
  • Financed the development of 2.9 million square feet of commerical, retail and community space
  • Placed 130 AmeriCorps members in organizations across the city to help build capacity
  • Helped build 10 football fieldswith $1.4 million in grants for over 228,000 Detroit youth through the LISC/NFL Grassroots Partnership
  • Served more than 13,000 individuals and families who strive towards financial stability through the Greater Detroit Centers for Working Families
2023 Impact Report

Detroit LISC has invested to build strong sustainable communities where people have an opportunity to thrive.