About Duluth LISC

Duluth LISC is one of 37 local offices of Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), a national nonprofit community development organization and CDFI. Overall, LISC has invested $32 billion in neighborhoods and rural communities across the United States.

We combine corporate, government and philanthropic resources and have invested $90 million, leveraging $337 million in Duluth to develop or preserve 1,684 units of housing, created 186 new child-care spaces, 1,553 new jobs. Duluth LISC works to see people and places prosper by addressing comprehensive revitalization, affordable housing development and preservation, and building the capacity of local community development organizations to see neighborhoods are places of choice and opportunity to all. Learn more.

Opportunity Zones

Duluth Opportunity Zones Portal

Explore our new portal to learn more about Duluth's zones and the Opportunity Zones incentive. [...]

We Are in the Zones

Find our how LISC is working in Opportunity Zones across the country [...]


Get the latest tools and information related to Opportunity Zones. Including federal and state resources [...]

Opportunity Zones 101

Not sure what Opportunity Zones are? We've compiled frequently asked questions on design, timeline and impact [...]

Recent News & Stories

From National LISC:
11.15.2024 -

Bloomberg Spotlights MacKenzie Scott’s $65 Million Donation to LISC


An article in Bloomberg highlights MacKenzie Scott’s recent unrestricted grant-making to nonprofits, including a $65 million gift to LISC. Unrestricted gifts like this, in addition to Scott’s 2020 donation of $40 million, allow LISC to intensify and build upon its work with a more flexible and innovative approach. As our CEO Michael Pugh noted to Bloomberg, “the ability to have unrestricted giving like this frankly allows us to unlock and tap into the American Dream for everyday Americans across our country.”

From National LISC:
11.04.2024 -

Supporting Pathways to a Strong Financial Future: Q+A with Allianz Life’s Kenna Poppler


Kenna Poppler of Allianz Life understands the power of LISC’s Financial Opportunity Center® model and how it helps strengthen the financial futures of individuals and families across the Twin Cities. Since 2022, Allianz Life’s support has helped pave a path to sustainable financial and career success for nearly 3,000 people. Learn why working with LISC Twin Cities to reduce barriers to economic inclusion is so important to Allianz Life, and to Poppler.