2023 Accomplishments
- 25 emerging developers participated in the Supporting Empowered Emerging Developers (SEED) Academy to expand their capacity and project access and support the development of more affordable housing in the region.
- Provided capacity building grants to nine nonprofit organizations.
- 14 organizations participated in a Preservation Learning Collaborative to advance best practices and learnings around preserving naturally occurring affordable housing.
- Convened the Harris County Homeownership Collaborative who helped advance homeownership opportunities in Harris County for 1,807 families, who have traditionally faced tremendous barriers.
Economic Development
- 4,377 unduplicated clients served through four FOCs:
- 2,662 people received employment coaching, resulting in 408 people accessing jobs.
- 1,495 families received income supports coaching.
- 3,621 people received one-on-one financial coaching resulting in:
- 1,072 clients increasing their credit scores.
- 903 clients increasing net income.
- 937 clients increasing their net worth.
- 821 small businesses registered and accessed the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready platform
- $871,500 in capital deployed through loans for small businesses in the Houston region.
GO Neighborhoods
- 138 projects and events were completed in Comprehensive level GO Neighborhoods partner communities.
- 14 impact projects and initiatives were completed in all GO Neighborhoods partner communities.
- $525,920 was invested by LISC directly into partner communities.
- An additional $388,000 was leveraged by partners = cash investment created by LISC grants and loans
- 34,000 active participants implementing Quality of Life Agreement projects, programs, and policies.