
Announcing Our 2024 Small Grant Awardees

LISC Houston is excited to announce the awardees of our 2024 Small Grants Program, a year marked by a record-breaking number of submissions. This surge in applications reflects the growing enthusiasm and innovation within our communities, as more organizations than ever seek to drive positive change through community-led projects.

Since its launch in 2015, the Small Grants Program has been a cornerstone of our efforts to support comprehensive community development across Houston. By providing flexible funding for resident-led initiatives, we empower neighborhoods to address local challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

In 2024, our program continues to focus on comprehensive community development, a holistic approach that uplifts neighborhoods through projects that intersect people, places, and systems. This strategy is built on a foundation of inclusive resident engagement, recognizing that sustainable change comes from within the community itself.

In selecting the 2024 Small Grant awardees, LISC Houston took great care to ensure an equitable distribution of funding across diverse neighborhoods and focus areas. Our goal was to support a wide range of projects that address the unique needs of each community, from education and health to creative placemaking and disaster resilience. By thoughtfully allocating resources, we aim to empower residents and organizations throughout Houston to drive positive change and foster inclusive growth. This approach underscores our commitment to building a more equitable and resilient city for all its residents.

Meet the 2024 Awardees:

The Small Grants Program has funded hundreds of projects, engaging over 52,000 participants and leveraging millions towards community building. This year, we are excited to chart a new course, broadening our scope to encompass more neighborhoods and expanding our areas of focus.

LISC Houston's Small Grants Program continues to support a broad spectrum of community-driven projects, each contributing to the vitality and resilience of Houston's neighborhoods. Our focus areas include:

As we celebrate the 2024 awardees, please continue to check our website for community events and opportunities to support this year’s grantee.

For more information, please contact Carolyn Andrews, Community Development Program Officer, at