
LISC Houston's Training for Trainers Program


A Legacy of Community Empowerment 
Over the past 15 years, LISC Houston has played a pivotal role in shaping community leaders equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities within their neighborhoods. The leadership program’s innovative approach combines practical workshops, leadership training, and collaborative projects, all designed to enhance participants' skills in organizing, advocacy, and relationship-centered planning. 

The T4T initiative has evolved significantly since its inception, adapting to the changing dynamics of community needs and technological advancements. Initially focused on direct workshops, the program has expanded to include a blend of online and in-person sessions that cater to diverse learning preferences and logistical needs. This hybrid model has not only increased accessibility but also enhanced the learning experience by integrating digital resources with traditional, face-to-face interactions. 

The Critical Role of Civic Leadership in Communities 
Empowering civic leadership in underserved communities is crucial for equitable development and ensuring that all voices are heard in the decision-making processes that affect them. Civic leaders who are well-versed in navigating local government structures and advocating for community needs can drive significant change, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. 

By participating in the T4T program, community residents and leaders gain the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively navigate the current economic status that can lead to improved housing, better schools, safer streets, and healthier living conditions. These leaders become pivotal agents of change, capable of inspiring others and creating a ripple effect of positive transformation throughout their communities. 

Key Program Highlights 

  1. Comprehensive Skill Building: T4T covers essential areas such as conflict resolution, community engagement, leadership co-creation, and systems thinking, enabling participants to drive effective community projects and initiatives. 

  1. Collaborative Learning Environment: The program includes a supportive community of learners who share insights, challenges, and successes. This community-centric approach helps build strong networks among community leaders, enhancing their collective impact. 

  1. Focus on Real-World Application: Participants engage in capstone projects that allow them to apply their learning in real community settings, promoting practical experience and visible impact. 

  1. Continuous Learning and Support: Graduates of the T4T program can join the Ambassadors network, which provides ongoing learning opportunities, support, and resources to further their community development efforts. 

Join Us to Make a Difference 
As we prepare to launch the application for the 2024 T4T cohort, we encourage community members who are dedicated to making a significant impact to step forward. Whether you are an emerging leader or an experienced community organizer, T4T offers a unique opportunity to deepen your skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Houston's neighborhoods. 

Applications are coming soon! 

We invite you to apply to not only grow as a leader but also to contribute to a legacy of community empowerment and transformation. Your journey to becoming a pivotal community catalyst starts here! 

For more information, contact Carolyn Andrews,