
See the Impact Through LISC’s “Portrait of Impact”

A “Portrait of Impact” by LISC highlights individuals and communities who have been positively impacted by LISC’s funding and programs. “Portraits” show the resilience and achievements of people who have benefitted from specific initiatives such as Bridges to Career Opportunities or Bridges to Trades programs, which helps underemployed adults train for and establish careers in in-demand industries, and wealth building programs such as matched savings programs.

Some examples of Houston’s Portraits of Impact include people who saved through matched savings programs offered by Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) partners to achieve their goals, and people who were able to thrive through workforce initiatives such as Lowe’s Bridges to Trades Program.

Combining coaching from FOC staff with products and training that comes through LISC from funders such as Wells Fargo, Lowe’s Foundation, and State Farm, Houstonians are able to overcome challenging circumstances and historical disadvantage to save, build wealth, achieve homeownership, and start on a fulfilling career journey.

Take a moment to read their stories: Meet Eddie, Minh, and Harry

Meet Eddie: Increasing Income

Eddie Fallon’s goals were clear when he came to LISC partner VOA Texas: he wanted to secure a stable job and save for a deposit on a new apartment. With support from Wells Fargo through LISC, VOA coaches connected Fallon to job training, plus interview and resume prep services, that helped him land a job as a forklift operator. VOA also worked with Fallon to create a budget and savings plan. Today, Fallon is living in a new apartment and driving a new car that provides reliable transportation to a new, better-paying job as a repair technician. “Having an apartment and a car [in] little less than a year of saving makes me even more determined to keep working hard and save more.”

Meet Minh: Starting a Small Business  

Minh Nguyen worked on jet engines until COVID-19 hit and he was laid off. Ready for a fresh start, but still inclined to work in a mechanical field, he enrolled in an HVAC program offered by Chinese Community Center, a LISC FOC partner supported by the Lowe’s Bridges to Trades program. After graduating, he started his own business and also works part-time at a local training provider, DoHVAC, where he offers sage advice to people new to the HVAC field. #FinancialCapabilityMonth

Meet Harry: Building Savings

Harry grew up in Savannah, Georgia, and has lived in Houston for seven years. He states he was walking down the wrong path, which led to bad decisions. Harry attended a financial workshop series Wesley provided for Main St. Ministries. After the second workshop on Savings, he reached out to the financial coach interested in financial coaching and assistance to build his savings. At the time, Harry was on a fixed income and was seeking a part-time job to make ends meet. He enrolled in the Financial Opportunity Center coaching. He opened a savings account at Wells Fargo and started his savings with $25. After that Harry received rental assistance. After discussing the client’s goals, the financial coach referred him to the Employment Specialist and Digital Literacy Coordinator for assistance with employment and his resume. A few months later Harry obtained a part-time job at Open Door Ministries as a Security Guard/ Recovery Coach, earning $12 an hour. Harry has now saved $650. His goal is to save $5,000 for emergencies and to be able to take a vacation. During this time Harry has faced many challenges. He stated,” I have had to learn how to sacrifice my wants for what I need.” His long-term goal is to open a food truck and provide men out of prison with a second chance just like he received, which would also be a way for him to leave a more significant asset for his children.