
Building Bridges Award Rockstar Rookie Winner


At the 2024 LISC Indianapolis Building Bridges Awards, Darryl Davis of Edna Martin Christian Center took home the Rockstar Rookie award working as a success coach, that recognizes a Bridges Network staff member hired within the last 12 months who hit the ground running in the Bridges work and brought significant impact to their team in just a short amount of time.

Darryl identified that winning the award wasn’t just about the recognition, but a testament to his effort and energy that he pours into his role. Every morning, Darryl starts his day with self-care routines that drives him to empower the clients that he encounters. In this practice, he prepares himself to tackle the day way before he drives to the office, so that he can be at his best to serve his clients.

His passion for this role stems from his own personal journey of needing help and that support falling short. Darryl is now in the position to provide support which is why he is on his personal mission to “redefine the meaning of assistance.” This entails making sure that he is making a lasting impact with everyone he serves.

Darry’s advice for any one entering this field is to “leave your personal baggage and biases at home with you before coming to work. This allows you to be open minded and let your qualities that led you to the field shine, getting the best out of yourself and your client.”