Emerging Developer Growth Initiative Interest Form

LISC Indianapolis provides capital and resources to support the growth of Indianapolis’ Black-owned development firms as they work to grow and strengthen Indianapolis neighborhoods. Our approach provides emerging real estate development firms access to capital and resources to build capacity for firms acquiring and developing Indianapolis projects. LISC Indianapolis offers the following support:

  • Credit enhanced development financing 

  • Technical assistance and advocacy to support design review, financial modeling and development subsidy opportunities
  • Partner support that leverages public and private partners to address systemic disincentives to missing middle development

Interested in developing missing middle housing (house scale multifamily) in Indianapolis

Legacy Non Profits:
CDCs & CBOs w/community development and/or affordable housing backgrounds with some development experience within last 4 years

Small For - Profits (51%+BIPOC owned):
Small and mid-tier (2 – 10 staff) for- profits with development experience and a forward pipeline, operational above break even for at least two years, seeking to transition to larger scale affordable housing development

Mid-Sized For-Profits (51%+BIPOC owned
Mid-tier, established (10+ staff) for- profits with established track records in affordable housing development.

The Black Growth Initiative can provide financing and/or technical assistance to support your firm’s growth via development of missing middle housing. If you believe your firm is eligible based on the guidelines above, please fill out the interest form and provide information about your real estate development firm/CDC, current and future real estate projects and financial information about your firm and projects.

Interest Form Details

In the application, be prepared to provide the following:

  • Information about real estate development firm, team, and past experience
  • Information about your current and future real estate projects
  • Financial information about your firm and projects

Access Interest Form