Welcome to LISC Jacksonville

What does LISC stand for?

LOCAL - LISC Jacksonville is dedicated to transforming local neighborhoods into healthy and sustainable communities of choice and opportunity - good places to live, work, do business, and raise a family.

INITIATIVES - We fund initiatives and projects that promote neighborhood revitalization, family wealth creation, and community advocacy.

SUPPORT - We support families, businessess, and organizations in Duval County by providing tools, resources, and funding.

CORPORATION - LISC Jacksonville one of 38 local offices of the national Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), the largest community development organization in the United States.

Learn More about LISC Jacksonville

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Jacksonville News

6.10.2024 - ,

New Headstone for Former Slave and Solider Part of Effort to Preserve African American Burial Sites


LISC Jacksonville, Jacksonville University (JU), and local historians and community leaders gathered to unveil a new headstone for Cpl. William Johnson, a formerly enslaved man who served in the Union Army during the Civil War.

From National LISC:
5.28.2024 -

From Housing to Economic Mobility: Inside LISC’s Strategies for Change with CEO Michael T. Pugh

In a wide-ranging interview with Denver Fredericks, host of the Business of Giving podcast, LISC CEO Michael T. Pugh describes the pillars of LISC's work investing in communities and what's on the horizon for the CDFI under his leadership. "[We] can be a real catalyst for economic development in communities," says Pugh. "And frankly the best is yet to come."


2023 LISC National Annual Report

LISC National Annual Report