Research Based Model

Based on the Center for Working Families model developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) programs seek to increase low-income families’ financial well-being by providing integrated services in three core areas: employment placement and career improvement, financial education and coaching and connections to income supports.  These core services are integrated and bundled together to reinforce one another and to provide a multi-faceted approach to income and wealth-building.

Our Approach

Human services work best when seam­lessly bundled together and people do best when supported by a team of coach­es. As participants reduce expenses, ob­tain benefits, and remove barriers to em­ployment, the net value of their earnings rises sharply.

Pair coaching connects each participant with both an employment and financial coach at every step of their journey, while public benefits assistants work with par­ticipants to maximize their chances of financial stability.

While employment is a victory, success is measured by the long-term financial sta­bility of a family that comes from invest­ing in themselves and their community.

How We Measure Success

FOC partner's offer data-informed programming, using short and medium term indicators to help each participant tune their plan to maximize their outcomes.  Over the long-term, we measure success by each participant’s changes in their net income, credit score, job retention and net worth.  FOC partners track the impact of their work in the Family Financial Tracking data system, built on a Salesforce platform.

Financial coach and client preparing a budget
Financial coach and client preparing a budget

Program Services

Employment and Career Coaching

Personal branding/self-discovery, career development exploration, skills assessment, interviewing skills development, digital literacy training and job readiness training and job placement.

Financial Capacity Building

Budgeting, saving, banking, credit report evaluation and repair, homeownership planning, savings strategy, asset protection programs and solving specific financial challenges.

Benefit and Income Support

Benefit screening, navigate public benefit systems to supplement income (health insurance, SNAP, utilities assistance, FAFSA, financial aid and subsidized housing).


Dr. Melissa Chester, Ecnonomic Development Officer