Jacksonville Business Journal – August 28: Local nonprofit boosting small business resiliency with grant from Wells Fargo
The Jacksonville Business Journal published a story about LISC Jacksonville’s support of a local, minority-owned small business through the Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund.
“I don’t think we would still be in business today without that funding and the relationship with LISC. It sustained us,” Shandon Benjamin-Fox, owner of 1 Foxy Lady Café and Catering, said. “LISC got to know us and asked us – ‘What can we do to ensure your doors stay open?’ Having access to resources from an organization like that can be critical to the success of a small business owner – especially during an unprecedented event like the pandemic.”
Read the full story here.
DS News – August 23: Preserving Inheritor Homeownership: Helping Prevent Property Tax Foreclosures
DSNews delivers news for housing and mortgage professionals and published a story about LISC Jacksonville’s funding of a new report from the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). Aligning with LISC Jacksonville’s heirs’ property work, the report examines the negative tax repercussions heirs face when inheriting homes without a proper will or estate plan.
The report revealed that without clear title to the property, heirs may not be able to obtain homeowner’s insurance, obtain loans or grants for home repairs, or access utility or property tax assistance programs. Some heirs may not even know they owe taxes on the property, leading to tax liens and even foreclosure.
“Property Tax Foreclosures on Heirs Property: The Devastating Consequences and Recommendations for Prevention” discusses the problems of “heirs property” or “tangled title” and recommends steps states can take to prevent property tax foreclosures and preserve homeownership.
Read the full story here.
Aspire to Inspire – August 8: Dr. Jennifer Blalock Interviews Dr. Irvin Cohen
Our Executive Director Dr. Cohen sat down with Aspire to Inspire Founder and Host Jennifer Blalock to discuss the work of LISC Jacksonville and why he is passionate about positively impacting challenged communities.
Watch the full interview here.
ABC Action News, WFTS Tampa Bay – August 16: The truth about heirs' property issues in Florida
Dr. Cohen spoke with ABC Action News reporter Sophia Hernandez about LISC Jacksonville’s crucial role in supporting families with heirs’ property issues in Jacksonville’s most vulnerable communities.
“We know once people resolve their heirs’ property issues, they become property taxpayers. They take care of their property. So, it has an economic consequence in our community.”
Watch and read the full story here.
Florida-Times Union – August 13: ‘Struggling to keep up’: As more come to Florida, nonprofits face supply demand gap
The Florida Times-Union Reporter Beth Cravey interviewed Dr. Cohen for his perspective on the nonprofit economic impact data released by the Florida Nonprofit Alliance.
LISC Jacksonville has purposely limited its work to those urban-core communities, Executive Director Irvin “PeDro” Cohen said. “By doing this we force ourselves to be very targeted, thus ensuring we don’t have mission creep,” he said. “From a leadership perspective I am very clear, and I communicate the same level of clarity to my team, that we will not be able to eradicate poverty. However, if we can disrupt poverty’s impact, we will have accomplished our goal.”
Read the full story here.
Miami Herald – June 28: Heirs to Black-owned homes face ramped-up foreclosures. Here’s who’s pushing back.
Dr. Cohen spoke with the Miami Herald about LISC Jacksonville’s heirs’ property work and the long-term goal of building family wealth through homeownership.
“We’re really leaning into heirs’ property as a way to prop up family wealth creation,” said Dr. Cohen. “On the other end of the pendulum, I would like to think of it as we are averting a homeless situation.”
Read the full story here.