
New Headstone for Former Slave and Solider Part of Effort to Preserve African American Burial Sites

LISC Jacksonville, Jacksonville University (JU), and local historians and community leaders gathered to unveil a new headstone for Cpl. William Johnson, a formerly enslaved man who served in the Union Army during the Civil War.

Johnson, born into slavery near Jacksonville, joined the U.S. Colored Infantry and fought for the Union's cause. His grave, located on the university's campus, had been unmarked for over a century until this commemorative effort. JU and LISC Jacksonville also announced plans to renovate the cemetery with the assistance of Haskell Co.

The new headstone and cemetery renovation are part of LISC Jacksonville’s Creative Placekeeping initiative, which underscores a commitment to acknowledging the contributions of Black Americans, ensuring that their stories are not forgotten.

Read more in the Florida Times-Union: 

New headstone at Jacksonville University bears name of Civil War vet born into slavery