Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice

LISC Greater Kansas City is intentional in building and maintaining diversity and inclusion. We are committed to ensuring that equitable policies and practices are embedded throughout all our work. LISC Kansas City Staff works with a diversity, equity, inclusion and justice consultant who provides technical assistance to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in our everyday policies and within our 2020 to 2024 strategic plan. As an organization, we are committed to building and maintaining a diverse, effective, and inclusive Local Advisory Board (LAB). We are committed to ensuring that the ways in which LISC KC staff work with one another, their partners, and the communities they serve are inclusive, respectful, and that they are able to support LISC’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Our Stories

8.29.2024 - ,

Chelsey M. Helps Black Businesses Thrive in Kansas City


Companies that list on KCBO’s website can amplify their online presence, improve local visibility, and boost brand awareness. A geo-location map feature makes it easier to find the businesses. The platform has attracted a wide variety of shoppers.

8.28.2024 - ,

Cooking Up Change


Chef Shanita McAfee-Bryant and The Prospect KC open The Nook coffee bar in partnership with the Central Library. “Food is my life’s work and my life’s passion,” she said. “For me, breaking bread with others is a way to build up the community.”