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Thrive: Spotlight Heartland Center for Jobs and Freedom

LISC Greater Kansas City continues our Thrive Spotlight series this week with Heartland Center for Jobs and Freedom (HCJF). Located in Kansas City, MO, HCJF’s mission is to equip and empower low-wage workers with information about legal rights, justice, and movements to improve wages. They also provide assistance to those facing eviction. “We’re a small staff, and we’re doing everything we can to match the need”, said Gina Chiala, staff attorney and Director.

Through the help of volunteers, interns, and collaboration with social services orgs, the staff at HCJF continues to advocate for low-wage workers through COVID-19. “

[The pandemic] has exposed issues that were already there…[like] housing instability and lack of a safety net. We wanna see a society that is fair for everybody, and we believe that we have to play a role as much as we can.
— Gina Chiala