Blue Hills 

Since 1974, Blue Hills Community Services (BHCS) has worked to revitalize communities, improve neighborhoods and enhance quality of life through innovative solutions in housing, education, community engagement and advocacy. As LISC’s NeighborhoodsNOW lead agency for Blue Hills, BHCS is positioned to develop holistic, comprehensive and collaborative strategies for community revitalization. Its next phase will capitalize on existing efforts and extend to job creation, commercial development and business support. In the next three years, with new leadership, BHCS will strategically implement its vision for the sustainable, positive transformation of the Blue Hills community.

BHCS has developed over 1,200 multi and single-family homes, and assisted over 227 low income households with home repair programs. In 2013, BHCS built its LEED Gold office at 5008 Prospect and started the Blue Hills Contractor Incubator, creating 65 jobs in 1.5 years. Powered by a full-time community organizer, BHCS has successfully delivered an education series that addresses financial and digital literacy, parenting skills and public health. This work is accomplished in conjunction with the Blue Hills Neighborhood Association (BHNA), a group of residents dedicated to improving the quality of life in Blue Hills. BHNA has also partnered with the KCPD and Kansas City Code Enforcement to form the Community Action Network (CAN), a problem solving team that works to improve the housing market and reduce crime.

Blue Hills' 2016-2018 Quality of Life Plan outlines the neighborhood’s goals and strategies.


Blue Hills' Neighborhood Monitoring Report provides detailed socioeconomic data about the community.



Amanda Wilson, Program Officer