Downtown Shareholders of Kansas City, Kansas

Downtown Shareholders of Kansas City, Kansas (DTS-KCK) was established out of a desire by downtown businesses and organizations to bring new housing and businesses opportunities to Kansas City, Kansas’ urban core. DTS-KCK, LISC NeighborhoodsNOW lead agency, is a community-led organization promoting economic development, housing choice, wellness, and cultural and social opportunities in Downtown Kansas City, Kansas. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the urban vitality of Downtown KCK. “We envision an inclusive and safe downtown with locally owned businesses, mixed-income housing, and vibrant public spaces celebrating our rich cultural heritage.” DTS-KCK also administers a variety of small business attraction and retention programs, public space and building improvement programs, and public festivals and events.

Key civic partners in these efforts include the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, the KCK Chamber of Commerce, the KCK Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Kansas City, Kansas Board of Public Utilities, and many other area institutions and neighborhood associations. Greater Kansas City LISC is also a key partner, and has invested $1.2 million in Downtown KCK since 2006 to support economic and social revitalization programs and to build the capacity of DTS-KCK to steward its Quality of Life Plans.

Downtown Kansas City, Kansas’ 2016-2018 Quality of Life Plan outlines the area’s goals and strategies.


Downtown Kansas City, Kansas’ Neighborhood Monitoring Report provides detailed socioeconomic data about the community.



Amanda Wilson, Program Officer