
Ivanhoe is often considered one of Kansas City’s most dynamic examples of sustained progress as a successful neighborhood association and community development corporation (CDC). Since 2006, Greater Kansas City LISC has invested over $650,000 to support Ivanhoe’s development and build the capacity of the neighborhood to steward its Quality of Life Plan.

The Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council (INC), serves as LISC’s NeighborhoodsNOW lead agency for the Ivanhoe Neighborhood. INC was organized in 1967 and re-organized in 1997 as a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to build a “clean, beautiful, safe, and thriving neighborhood.” Governed by a Board of Directors, the organization’s four major committees share responsibility for the implementation of Ivanhoe’s Strategic Plan. The committees address the major areas required to change lives and revitalize the community including economic development, cleanliness, capacity building, housing, jobs, beautification, enrichment activities and improvement initiatives for families, youth and senior citizens.

INC has built on its 2006 housing plan and the Green Impact Zone study by purchasing the former Horace Mann School property and completing construction of the first of two phases of the Ivanhoe Gateway at 39th project, with seven duplexes and twelve senior cottages. Phase III planning for a mixed-use facility is underway and the project area has expanded south to 43rd Street and east to Prospect. 

Similarly, INC’s health initiatives have grown from pilot projects to full-fledged programs that garner support from diverse stakeholders throughout the Kansas City region. The program extends beyond the neighborhood boundaries and has grown consistently since implementation in 2011.

The next phase of INC’s growth is to build staff capacity and to foster a high level of resident engagement in decision-making and program participation. With strong collaborative relationships across the region, Ivanhoe is poised to successfully implement its 2016-2018 Quality of Life plan goals.

Ivanhoe’s 2016-2018 Quality of Life Plan outlines the neighborhood’s goals and strategies. 


Ivanhoe’s Neighborhood Monitoring Report provides detailed socioeconomic data about the community.



Ina Anderson, Senior Program Officer