
Helping Angelenos Overcome Financial Barriers

The Asian American Drug Abuse Program (AADAP), a LISC LA Financial Opportunity Center (FOC), is a nonprofit serving Asian Pacific Islanders and other underserved communities throughout LA County. 

For over 50 years, AADAP has been dedicated to changing lives and saving families impacted by substance abuse. Their comprehensive “whole person” approach includes education, intervention, treatment, outreach, advocacy, and employment opportunities for the diverse communities of Los Angeles. As an FOC, AADAP provides financial coaching, employment counseling, and income support counseling to people across South LA. 

They’ve recently begun collaborating with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to help police recruits overcome financial barriers that could hinder their hiring process, The City of Los Angeles’ Economic & Workforce Development Department (EWDD) identified that many LAPD recruits were being eliminated from the hiring process due to lack of or poor credit.

Melissa Alvarez, an AADAP Career and Financial Coach, provides workshops and one-on-one coaching to help recruits improve their credit scores, create debt management plans, and develop budgeting skills. She is currently the only financial coach for this partnership but hopes to grow the team someday. “Financial literacy is a need in our diverse communities. I’m only one person but I’d like to develop a full team so we can serve more people.”

Many of the recruits that have participated have reported improved credit scores, debt repayment, effective use of financial tips they received through the program, and some ultimately secured a position with the LAPD. These efforts don’t just help these recruits land a job; they also set them on a path to long-term financial stability. 

“Many people come in feeling hopeless and not knowing what to do, but after being walked through resources and tips, they walk away feeling motivated to work on their financial goals,” says Melissa. “And I’m glad to be part of that journey with them, making a positive impact on their lives.”

Another positive outcome from this partnership is an increase in diversity among LAPD recruits. A diverse and inclusive police force is essential for building trust in the community and is reinforced by police officers and other public servants reflecting the communities they serve. By addressing financial barriers, this collaboration is promoting equitable hiring practices and helping underserved communities access career opportunities they might otherwise not have been able to. 

LISC LA is proud to support AADAP. At their core, FOCs are focused on improving the financial lives of individuals and families who have limited wealth, income and employment opportunities. Through this partnership, we are helping community members achieve financial stability and opening doors to new careers!