
Kids in the Spotlight’s New Chapter with LISC's Support

Founded in 2009 by Tige Charity, Kids in the Spotlight (KITS) empowers foster youth in Los Angeles County through the art of filmmaking. The nonprofit provides a platform for underserved foster youth to heal from trauma. KITS teaches youth aged 12-24 to write, cast, and star in their own films, offering mentorship and workforce development.

The recent acquisition of the 'Production Studio with Purpose’ in Van Nuys marked a new chapter for KITS. The 5,330 square-foot facility serves as a dynamic space where interchangeable studio sets double as classrooms, editing studios, and offices. However, in acquiring the building, Charity faced stereotypes and systemic barriers.

There is a real stigma attached to foster youth, and as a Black-led organization, it was, difficult to secure a suitable building. Historical discrimination practices such as “red lining,” which systematically denied loans to people in certain neighborhoods based on race, have had long-lasting effects on property ownership for communities of color.

The turning point came when LISC LA’s Asset Building for Communities of Color (ABC) program stepped in with 0% interest financing to be used as a down payment for the building, followed by an acquisition loan from LISC’s National office. This significant financial support was key in securing the studio. " LISC was crucial in overcoming our funding challenges. They made the difference and enabled us to purchase the building," Tige stated.

At the loan closing, a stark reminder of the past injustices faced by communities of color came to light. Tige received the original legal covenant for the building, established in 1919, which explicitly prohibited individuals of African, Chinese, or Japanese descent from owning, leasing, or even occupying the premises. These racially restrictive covenants date as far back as 1850 and remain on real property records throughout Los Angeles County today. "We recognize the historical significance of this acquisition," Charity noted. "Our new studio stands as a testament to progress and inclusivity, underscoring the importance of our mission to provide opportunities for all youth, regardless of background or circumstance.”

Despite the difficult process to find funding, for Tige, there was one clear lesson, “Never stop believing in your mission and pursuing the support needed to fulfill it.”

Today, KITS’ Production Studio with Purpose stands as evidence to what can be achieved when resilience meets supportive partnerships. It promises over 500 paid work opportunities annually, paving a foster care-to-career pathway that directly confronts the foster care to homelessness and prison pipelines.

LISC LA is proud to have played a role in Kids in the Spotlight’s journey. KITS’ story is more than just about overcoming barriers; it’s an example of what can be achieved when we invest in communities in need and the potential of our youth.