
Make a Career of Humanity

As we reflect on the inspirational legacy left by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one message, given at the March for Integrated Schools in April 1959, holds particular resonance with the LISC LA Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) team. 

"Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in."

Since the inception of our ATI work, we have centered around the “Care first, jails last” motto. We have uplifted these four words in everything that we do and we truly believe that this is not just a  slogan but a feeling that guides our work. 

That feeling was front and center on Thursday, January 13th, as we celebrated the graduation of our inaugural cohort of the Incubation Academy. 

For the past 15 weeks, we have been supporting 21 trusted grassroots community-based organizations, with a focus on those that are BIPOC- led, who deliver prevention and intervention services to  justice-involved individuals in their communities. 

The ATI Incubation Academy provides training, capacity building and technical assistance to community-based organizations that can meet Los Angeles County’s shortage of much-needed treatment and services for those recently diverted from incarceration. The Incubation Academy is part of a larger ATI initiative in LA County aimed at implementing and expanding several alternatives to incarceration related efforts, including Pre-Filing Diversion, Rapid Diversion and Pre-Trial Reform. 

Our graduation was filled with celebration and reflection, as our participants have grown in such a short amount of time. Don’t take our word for it, hear from of our participants: 

“I am so excited about the opportunity to learn and get my non-profit off the ground. Every class has benefitted me and it has given me hope, inspiration, and is helping my organization to grow.”  Deborah Roberson, Founder and Executive Director, TDD Supportive Living 

“We are better as an organization and in our ability to serve our residents because we were part of the ATI cohort." -  David Schwed, Development Director, Francisco Homes

"For me it was such an opportunity to learn so much in such a short amount of time. The Academy gave me the tools and confidence I needed to go back and be an effective leader." -  Toni Bryant, Founder and Executive Director, MENTORS

The Incubation Academy gives us an opportunity to support those who have forged a career out of humanity. Many of our participants are formerly incarcerated or justice-involved in some way, and each day they fight for others. They offer second chances to those our society often overlooks. 

To use Martin Luther King’s Jr.’s words, we are in service to those that are making a finer world. This MLK day, we reflect and celebrate, as a career in humanity is one of the best careers one could have.