
Mental Health Matters

Clinical Psychologist and BBET graduate, Dr. Monica Blied, launches app to improve wellness and reduce everyday stress

Dr. Monica Blied, a clinical psychologist and practice founder providing integrative health and wellness services, was one of 30 businesses selected to participate in LISC LA’s Black Business Excellence Technical Assistance Initiative (BBET)

Launched last year, BBET was the first Black business accelerator program in the region dedicated to supporting Black-owned businesses in the personal care, beauty, health, and wellness industries. Over the 12-week program, Dr. Blied went through ten expert-led learning modules, one-on-one business advising, networking, and investor pitching opportunities, and had access to an exclusive business alumni network to ensure her growth beyond program completion. 

We’re pleased to announce that Dr. Blied is now taking her business to the next level by launching a globally-available app, called Faces of Health

Dr. Blied believes that every person can learn the skills needed to have a full life while living with chronic mental or medical illnesses. Because of this, she designed a blueprint for people to use the science of their brains and biology to improve their wellness and reduce everyday stress. Based upon decades of neuroscience research, the Faces of Health app empowers people with the skills and tools to become less anxious, depressed, and stressed so that they can achieve true quality of life amidst the challenges life throws their way. 

For anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge and practice, Dr. Blied also developed a 5-part online masterclass called The Neuroscience of Stress Management and Mindfulness. This online training helps people to gain mastery of the mind-body health connection by learning the skills and science behind mindfulness skills and stress-management strategies, all backed by research. You can practice as you go with hands-on exercises within each lesson. Use the promo code LISC-LA for 20% off enrollment this month.  

“I understand the confusion, depression, worry, and questions that can come about after a life-altering chronic condition,” said Dr. Blied. “I work with patience and compassion as clients begin to navigate a new normal. But, because there is only one of me, yet so much need for my services, I developed the Faces of Health app & 5-part online masterclass: The Neuroscience of Stress Management.”

Skills training available through the app includes:

Download the Faces of Health app today here.

Enroll in The Neuroscience of Stress Management masterclass here

RSVP for the Faces of Health App Virtual Launch Party here