
From Peru to Los Angeles: Madison Richards Joins the LISC LA Economic Development Team

In August, LISC LA welcomed a new member to the team: Economic Development Assistant Program Officer, Madison Richards. Richards’ experiences have taken her from Wisconsin to Peru to Los Angeles, though what has remained constant for her is her commitment to working for a more equitable and just society. LISC LA is excited to bring her on board as a vital team member while we work to combat rising inequality and disparity in Los Angeles during the new era of COVID-19.

Richards’ first job took her from Wisconsin to Peru. She had recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in International Business and Risk Management, knowing full well that she never intended to work for a Fortune 500 company. Instead, she aimed to use what she had learned in her true field of interest: economic development. With this intention, Richards joined the Peace Corps as a Community Economic Development Volunteer. Her work landed on the Northern Coast of Peru where she worked mostly in a teaching and advising capacity. During her year, she divided her time between teaching entrepreneurship at a local all-girls high school and as a business advisor to female artists and craftspeople. Richards worked with the women to develop their business models and pricing strategies during her time in Peru before it was unexpectedly cut short.

Madison with students from her class on entrepreneurship. These young women attend an all-girls high school where they spent an hour each week for 4 months learning entrepreneurship and developing their own businesses and business plans.
Madison with women in local women’s prison after teaching a workshop on budgeting. Some are holding crochet roses that they artfully make and then sell.
Madison with local officials, police women, administrators from the prison, and organizers from the Women’s Emergency Center, who all came together to help organize and facilitate the financial education program she was responsible for in the pr

After the pandemic gained momentum in Latin America, Richards was forced to evacuate and head north to her home in Wisconsin. She left Peru, which had already become a second home, before completing the customary two years in the Peace Corps, leaving behind the projects she had planned for the following year. However, Richards believes there was wisdom in it, she says that during her time there she was reminded that working on development in the United States is just as important as abroad. The difference, Richards believes, is often the language used: “We don't talk about our domestic development the way we talk about international development which in and of itself is a dilemma.” When the coronavirus began to spread in the United States, Richards described her time away as like watching your country on fire from afar.

Once back in Wisconsin, Richards began her job search domestically and when she came upon the position at LISC LA was shocked she had never heard of LISC before, it was kismet. Still in awe, Richards says, “I found this opportunity at LISC and it was very much up my alley and had a domestic was so great and the hiring process happened so fast.” As local pandemic relief efforts and LISC LA’s role in them grew exponentially, Richards’ commitment to the mission of LISC LA and skillset made her a vital addition to the team.

"It is really important to me to be a part of whatever community I am going to serve, and I very much plan to make L.A. my home, like I did Peru and Argentina."
— Madison Richards, Economic Development Assistant Program Officer

Since joining the team, Richards’ focus has been on processing the enormous relief efforts of the LA City and County COVID Relief Grants. In the past months this fund has tripled in size and LISC LA has become an ever larger asset in distributing them. In the future, Richards is excited to learn whatever may come next though her focus remains on the lending portfolio and underwriting loans. More and more Richards is also growingly enthusiastic about her move to Los Angeles as she has been studying the city and its history. LISC LA is ready to welcome her to the city and Richards is just as excited: “It is really important to me to be a part of whatever community I am going to serve, and I very much plan to make L.A. my home, like I did Peru and Argentina.”