LISC AmeriCorps

    Federally funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connects over 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to improve lives, strengthen communities and inspire civic engagement. More than 1 million people have served as AmeriCorps members nationwide. LISC has been connecting AmeriCorps members to the communities where we work since 1994. The AmeriCorps program serves a three-fold purpose:

    • Members serve the organizations where they are placed and lead valuable projects and programs;
    • Members engage the community in the revitalization of their own neighborhoods; and
    • Members develop skills, experience, and opportunities in the community development field.

    LISC Los Angeles places passionate and dedicated volunteers with community development partners through two core AmeriCorps offerings: the LISC AmeriCorps Program and the LISC LA Housing Initiative Program (LA-HIP). Both the LISC AmeriCorps program and LA-HIP places passionate and dedicated volunteers with our local community development partners. 

    LISC AmeriCorps Program

    The LISC LA AmeriCorps Program provides an opportunity for local community development organizations to partner with LISC to host LISC AmeriCorps members (members) over up to a ten-month term. Members serve in job placement, financial coaching, housing development, and community engagement roles to deeply engage with and enhance the communities where they serve. LISC offers training, stipends and benefits during the members’ service. Members also receive educational awards after they have successfully completed their service. Members attend monthly meetings and are able to access numerous LISC AmeriCorps trainings, both nationally and locally. Members are also invited to participate in the LA-HIP program trainings if interested.

    LISC LA AmeriCorps Housing Initiative Program (LA-HIP) 

    LISC LA’s Housing Initiative Program (LA-HIP) is an offshoot of the LISC AmeriCorps Program. LA-HIP was conceptualized and launched by Tunua Thrash-Ntuk in 2018 to build the capacity of Los Angeles’ local affordable housing field by investing in the next generation of practitioners, advocates and leaders. Structured as an AmeriCorps summer opportunity to introduce emerging and experienced leaders to the field of affordable housing, members are able to serve as either Assistant Project Managers or Assistant Asset Managers at host site organizations across Los Angeles.

    Like the LISC AmeriCorps program, LA-HIP pairs host site organizations with AmeriCorps members to offer training, stipends, benefits, and an educational award to members who complete their service.

    In addition to the LISC AmeriCorps program, LA-HIP also offers intensive professional development and training opportunities throughout the summer when members serve. LA-HIP members will learn about the affordable housing field through trainings on field-specific topics like permanent supportive housing, asset management, public housing, community development banking, financial statements, community land trusts, pro formas, public policy, community engagement, the construction process, property management, the managed pipeline, and others. In addition, members have received professional development training in topics like resume development, LinkedIn profiles, networking, interview training.


    Emy Farrow-German, Program Officer, LISC AmeriCorps Program