Bridges to Green Jobs

Are you looking for a new career path with minimal requirements, paid on-the-job training, and transitional and financial support for up to your first 6 months on the job? The Bridges to Green Jobs training program for weatherization might be a good fit for you.

What is Weatherization? Weatherization (also known as air-sealing/insulation) is all about making homes more comfortable by sealing up air leaks, insulating roofs/walls/floors, etc, or other energy-saving upgrades, and lowering people's energy bills. 

"Insulation Workers are in the Top 5 Highest Growth Occupations in Massachusetts"
— Massachusetts Clean Energy Workforce Needs Assessment Report, 2023
Weatherization expert, Jason Taylor, with Steeve (Cohort 1 Graduate and now fully certified Crew Chief) at the Green Jobs Academy, May 2022.
Weatherization expert, Jason Taylor, with Steeve (Cohort 1 Graduate and now fully certified Crew Chief) at the Green Jobs Academy, May 2022.

The Program (Boston and Lawrence, MA):

Timeline and Services:

  • Weeks 1 & 2: Paid hands-on technical training (ladders, attics, power tools, and more), soft skills training, employer presentations, job placement support (resume and interview skills). Trainings are typically Monday-Friday for two weeks, between 9am - 3pm. Traning cohorts alternate between Boston and Lawrence.
  • Weeks 3-10: Job placement support, access to a financial coach (budgeting support, credit building, and more), weekly virtual check-ins with a licensed transition coach, and financial support for up to your first 6 months in the field (upon meeting eligibility criteria).


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must have a valid driver's license and reliable transportation
  • Must be authorized to work in the United States 

What to Expect:

What's The Next Step?

Please fill out the interest form below to get updates on the next scheduled training(s) in Massachusetts.

Classes are two weeks long, Monday-Friday, from 9am - 3pm. Schedule is always subject to slight change.


The Story Behind Bridges to Green Jobs

After three years of research and planning, LISC Massachusetts was awarded internal funding in 2021 to create a pilot centering climate and economic equity through the launch of the Bridges to Green Jobs program. With this funding, LISC and local partners provide industry-specific technical training to community members interested in Green Energy careers, a field that is growing rapidly in Massachusetts. 

This program was launched in Boston in 2022, replicated in Lawrence in 2024, and we're now on a mission to lift up new training hubs in other Gateway Cities across the Commonwealth to more equitably widen industry access, and help meet the labor demands for our shared climate goals.

The clean energy sector has grown by over 89% since 2010 in Massachusetts alone and insulators are in the top highest-growth and high-demand occupations in the state, with the lowest education or experience requirements (MassCEC Clean Energy Workforce Needs Assessment, 2023), serving as a key foot-in-the-door opportunity for residents who are looking for a low-barrier change as they build their skills and explore new interests in the industry.

There is, and has been, a systemic exclusion of underprivileged communities to tap into the economic opportunity from this industry. Bridges to Green Jobs is a critical effort to break down these barriers and is committed to collaborating with community partners to work towards an equitable transitions into green jobs.


Silvana Bastante Muñoz, Program Officer, Green Jobs and Economic Opportunity

Thank you to our Funders:

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