RECI Equity Accountability Partners Report
This Community Benefits Plan for the Resilient Southwest Building Code Collaborative (RECI) is situated within the broader mission of LISC Phoenix, which is dedicated to fostering equitable and inclusive community development. In line with LISC Phoenix’s commitment to building power with communities most impacted, this plan ensures that the perspectives of marginalized community members are central to the creation of new building codes by technical and government project partners.
Climate Resilience & Justice Convening
This report outlines the generative contributions and findings of the first Climate Resilience and Climate Justice Convening hosted by LISC Phoenix on June 11, 2024.
2023 LISC Phoenix Annual Report
Mantenimiento de sus inversiones en instalaciones de cuidado infantil
Mantener su instalación de cuidado infantil segura y en buen estado ayudará a proteger y extender la vida útil de las inversiones en su instalación.
Maintaining Your Child Care Facility Investments
This webinar helps child care providers maintain their facility investments, providing tips on how to put together a maintenance plan, the impacts of deferring maintenance projects, and strategies for budgeting for and funding maintenance projects.
Arizona Child Care Infrastructure Grant: An Analysis of Grant Process and Impacts
A 2024 report outlines the process, partnerships, and impacts of the $65 million Arizona Child Care Infrastructure Grant program. It sheds light on lessons learned and recommendations for future programs supporting child care providers.