Place Matters: The Intersection of Housing and Health
The "Place Matters" series is an exploration on how factors outside of medical care impact health, the identification of successful evidence-based practices for improving health outcomes, and the demonstration of existing evidence around cost savings in promoting healthy communities.
30 Years of LISC Phoenix
Sonoran desert scrub, the ancient ecosystem that teaches us important lessons about resourcefulness, interdependence and resilience, probably doesn’t sound like much to the uninitiated. Lost to many is the strategic work occurring, especially beneath the surface, that offers living things opportunities to thrive in good times and survive the bad times. The Sonoran Desert version of Local Initiatives Support Corporation, an anti-poverty, anti-displacement and anti-racism organization, has many of the same qualities of Arizona’s signature habitat. For the uninitiated, history and testimonials tell the story of adaptation and evolution of an intermediary and community development financial institution (CDFI) whose array of projects, products and practices invigorates what we see above ground in today’s comprehensive community development ecosystem.
2020 LISC Phoenix Annual Report
2020 was like any other year, until is became unlike anything we've ever known. Join us for a look back at the year we lived though history. In the 2020 LISC Phoenix Annual Report, we bring you the stats ($3M in grants!) and stories (furry home officemates, living room concerts, new lines of business, and long-running projects that still came to fruition) that made last year so impactful. Thanks to you and all of our supporters we came through this year together, stronger than ever.
South Central Neighborhood Transit Health Impact Assessment
Making Madison Heights Healthy and Safe
Avondale Madison Heights Health Impact Assessment