
Wells Fargo "Open for Business" Client Story: Hope's Fry Bread

Born and raised on the Navajo reservation, where fry bread is a cultural staple for Navajo families, Hope has been in business for a very long time, doing catering and pop ups for about 10 years now. She started full-time in 2020 looking for a brick and mortar location, but then COVID hit. 

Hope’s Fry Bread makes and sells traditional Navajo fry bread and use it as the vehicle for other sweet or savory toppings. They see it more as a food fusion, developing different recipes within our own family so everyone can find something they like. The native community in the valley that are displaced from our reservation, share excitement for this restaurant, since making fry bread is labor intensive this creates a way for them to get it without putting in that work.

RAIL has been invaluable to Hope’s business, they were essential to making sure the business was on the right track. The technical side of the business, the paperwork, was not Hope’s strong suit and there was a point where she was pretty overwhelmed. RAIL helped keep her going with connections to funding, and other assistance to open. 


Economic DevelopmentWells Fargo