
Wells Fargo "Open for Business" Client Story: Yerberia Sagitario

For eight years Eva Rangel with Yerberia Sagitario, has provided the community with natural products; we carry encapsulated herbs and plants, also known as alternative medicine or natural medicine. The wide variety of plants and esoteric products such as candles, rosaries, and religious images are reflective of neighborhood shops in Mexico where many of her customers are from. 

Eva attends all the monthly meetings and workshops that RAIL provides. She has increased her knowledge about how to better manage her business from RAIL but she also attributes the learning from getting to know her neighbors, other entrepreneurs and small business owners, at the convening’s. The business owners have plans to work with RAIL to make improvements for the Latino community in Mesa, so that this is a better place for everyone, especially for businesses.


Economic DevelopmentWells Fargo