Knowledge Sharing

Report Cover: Child Care and Early Learning in Arizona, A Landscape Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities
Resource Library

We work with local and national researchers to understand factors that affect our communities and to make recommendations for action.

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Communities on the Line

Read our series of feature stories that highlight the challenges, opportunities and successes of the corridors along the light rail line. 

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Capacity Building

It takes local partners on the ground to make any real, lasting change in a community. Local organizations know their neighborhoods the best and any solution must come from the ground up. LISC was founded on that belief with the mission to help these local organizations become strong and stable neighborhood institutions characterized by effective and responsible fiscal management and capable of carrying out a range of community revitalization activities.

We support our place-based partners through one-on-one technical assistance, capacity building grants and resources from the LISC Institute.  

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Lending & Grants

Lending and grants are essential instruments in LISC’s community development toolkit. As one of the largest community development financial institutions (CDFI) in the nation, we work in partnership with local grassroots groups, for-profit developers and government agencies to finance programs and projects that will have a positive, long-term impact.

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