Child Care and Early Learning Facilities
The Rhode Island Child Care and Early Learning Facilities Fund (RICCELFF) is an innovative public-private partnership dedicated to expanding access to quality child care and early education in low-income communities throughout Rhode Island.
Founded in 2001, RICCELFF supports and develops programs that result in safe, high-quality learning environments – indoors and outdoors. The RICCELFF supports projects that expand access to affordable, quality child care opportunities for low-income and high needs children and families. As a member of the National Children’s Facilities Network, LISC works closely with organizations across the country to advocate for policies and funding that support the development of quality child care facilities in low-income communities.
LISC has conducted two comprehensive facilities assessments in Rhode Island in 2014 and 2019. Both Facilities Needs Assessments focus on fully understanding facility conditions, capacity needs and challenges. The 2019 Assessment lays out an action plan to address issues and improve quality and access to early learning and child care in Rhode Island.
Three funding pathways are currently available: Facility Pre-development and Planning Grants, Recoverable Grants, Loans.
Is available on all aspects of facility design and development, including overcoming physical space challenges related to licensing and quality improvement, financing and fundraising, construction feasibility, and playground audits and improvement plans.
The Rhode Island Child Care & Early Learning Facilities Fund hosts trainings and events that highlight the important connections between quality space and quality programming.
The team has prepared a large library of resource guides and tools ranging from the ABCs of Child Care to Developing and Designing Early Childhood Facilities, to Creating Playgrounds for Early Childhood Facilities — and many more. Please check here for a list of resources available.