Grants & Capacity Building

We work with community development organizations to build and expand their expertise, engage in strategic planning, seed innovative ideas and build up the social infrastructure of our communities—all as part of comprehensive efforts to drive change across San Antonio.

HUD Section 4 Grants

LISC San Antonio is a trusted national partner in the HUD Section 4 grant program, allowing us to annually access funds to work with other nonprofits and build their capacity to lead, prosper and improve their communities. Learn more about our Section 4 work.

Technical Assistance

LISC San Antonio provides one-on-one technical assistance by working directly with project advocates and developers to provide resources and expert advice on project and program structures.

When Westside Development Corporation (now Prosper West) was looking to expand and invest in a new office building and maker space, our staff met with them to explore sources of financing and help structure the project so that they could continue to effectively pursue their mission.

For more information about LISC San Antonio's technical assistance offerings, contact Program Officer Lori Hall.


LISC San Antonio provides training to local community developers, nonprofits and public servants on issues and topics that support our program areas.

We have organized a series of trainings through which local and national practitioners and thought leaders share their expertise. Topics have ranged from an affordable housing toolkit to the implications of federal tax reform to new approachs to nonprofit capacity building. Sign up to learn about our upcoming trainings.

Additional resources and events are regularly shared by the LISC Institute for Community Power. Run by National LISC, the Institute shares resources on how to turn cutting-edge community development ideas into action with examples from across the country.