LISC AmeriCorps

LISC AmeriCorps places passionate, dedicated volunteers with community development groups in the neighborhoods where we work. These placements serve a vital, three-fold purpose: members serve the organizations where they are placed and spearhead valuable projects; they engage local residents in the revitalization of their own neighborhoods; and they develop skills, experience and insight into community development and the profound value of service.

LISC AmeriCorps YR25 Orientation
LISC AmeriCorps YR25 Orientation

LISC AmeriCorps members working with our partner organizations have done everything from financial counseling and job placement to housing development and foreclosure prevention. Along the way, they engage local residents in volunteering to improve safety, healthy and the beauty of their neighborhoods. Many members serve the very communities where they live. This is one way to grow the pool of leaders who reflect the demographics of the neighborhoods served, and equip those emerging leaders with the skills to effect long-term community change.

LISC San Diego will invest $306,442 in AmeriCorps in 2024 - 2025 program year

What is AmeriCorps?

Federally funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connects over 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to improve lives, strengthen communities and inspire civic engagement. More than 1 million people have served as AmeriCorps members nationwide. LISC has been placing AmeriCorps members in the communities where we work since 1994.

How we do it

We provide an AmeriCorps member to about 18 community development organizations across the county for ten-month terms. We offer training, stipends and benefits to members during their term of service and education awards to use after they’ve successfully completed their service.

Open AmeriCorps Positions

Coming soon!


Ivonne Rojas, Assistant Program Officer