Our Program Areas

Every neighborhood is a unique tapestry — a complex system of interconnected, moving parts. That is precisely why no single solution can ever hope to address all of a struggling neighborhood’s needs. Disinvested places must be revived on multiple fronts. LISC helps residents and local organizations do just that.

We invest in overlapping program areas that reach into every corner of community life. Our approach is comprehensive, effective and—most important—rooted in what neighbors want for themselves, their families and the places they call home.

Affordable Housing

We support the creation of quality, affordable housing as a basic requisite of well-being—for individuals and communities. It’s the cornerstone of our mission.

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Community Investments

As a Community Development Financial Institution, we use our funds to provide grants, loans, and equity to local organizations leading projects and programs that help their communities.

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Economic Development

Neighborhoods flourish when residents have access to living wage jobs and goods and services they need. We invest in programs that support entrepreneurship, attract new businesses, diversify the local retail mix and stimulate employment.

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Financial Stability

A job alone is not enough. Our financial stability initiatives help people build credit and savings, hone job skills and balance the household budget, so a paycheck can pay off.

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Because zip code, even more than genetic code, determines a person’s physical health, our health programming tackles many facets of neighborhood life, working to improve access to healthy food, primary health care and safe places to exercise.

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Previous Programs

View archived programs, including initiatives to strengthen home-based childcare centers, mend new relationships between the police and at-risk youth, and more.

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LISC Institute

The LISC Institute shares resources on how to turn cutting-edge community development ideas into action. Building on the experience of LISC’s network of partners and the broader field, we provide training, resources, and guidance on strategies that forge resilient and inclusive communities of opportunity across America.

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