Family Income and Wealth Building
We know that healthy, sustainable communities are made up of people who have living wage jobs and feel confident about their economic futures. To get there, residents need the skills to advance along the path of employment and manage their money well. That’s why LISC invests in helping people tackle all the facets of financial life — earning a steady pay check, budgeting, building good credit and saving for education and retirement.
LISC’s income and wealth building programs connect families living on low- to moderate-incomes with the financial and labor market mainstream. We offer employment and career services, financial coaching and education and low-cost, safe financial products that build credit, savings and assets.
Our income and wealth building initiatives include a national network of 120 Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) sites. FOC programs provide employment and career counseling, one-on-one financial coaching and education and low-cost financial products that help build credit, savings and assets safely. They also connect clients with income supports such as food stamps, utilities assistance and affordable health insurance to bridge gaps as they work towards new career goals. The cornerstone of the FOC model is providing these services in an integrated way—rather than as stand-alone services—and with a long-term commitment to helping clients achieve financial success. The LISC Virginia office supports four FOC partners across the Commonwealth.
LISC is also committed to helping our colleagues in the field of financial stability. We offer advocacy and technical assistance to organizations across the country and we facilitate annual grants from the federal Social Innovation Fund for community groups to get their own Financial Opportunity Center® program up and running.
The FOC Network focuses on enhancing the economic stability and well-being of individuals and families with limited wealth, income, and employment opportunities.
Our digital inclusion efforts aim to support family wealth building through digital literacy workshops and the provision of laptops to residents of the Crater Region.