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From National LISC:
5.28.2024 -

From Housing to Economic Mobility: Inside LISC’s Strategies for Change with CEO Michael T. Pugh

In a wide-ranging interview with Denver Fredericks, host of the Business of Giving podcast, LISC CEO Michael T. Pugh describes the pillars of LISC's work investing in communities and what's on the horizon for the CDFI under his leadership. "[We] can be a real catalyst for economic development in communities," says Pugh. "And frankly the …


From Access to Empowerment: Transforming Petersburg, Virginia’s Digital Landscape

The Digital Navigation project with VSU is two-fold, aiming to increase broadband capabilities on campus and incorporate digital tools in the lives of Petersburg residents.


WORTH Program Provides Housing Resources and Promotes Homeownership Equity

“WORTH enhances our work,” says Brenda Hicks, Deputy Director of Counseling and Education at Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia.