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The Journey to Homeownership: Building Roots and Generational Wealth

Owning a home isn’t just about having a place to live—it’s about investing in a community and securing your financial future. Whether you’re navigating the process of buying your first home or considering an upgrade, homeownership offers significant advantages. Let’s explore why it matters and how you can leverage local resources to make informed decisions.

6.26.2024 -

These cities have 'impossibly unaffordable' housing, report finds

Across the globe, people living in major cities are struggling to find affordable housing options. A recent report from Chapman University and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy in Canada identified which cities are "impossibly unaffordable" for the average resident. Researchers analyzed the average incomes with average home prices of nearly 100 major cities in …

6.25.2024 -

Cincinnati homeless settlement: 'Tremendous victory for social justice'

Three people who once lived in a homeless encampment on Third Street in Downtown Cincinnati – before the city kicked them out six years ago – praised a new agreement that would allow encampments if there is no available shelter space. Leon "Bison" Evans, one of the 2018 camp's leaders, said Tuesday that he wants …