The immensity of homelessness in LA County can often make it feel impossible. The latest reports from the LA Homeless Services Authority show a staggering 23% or 58,000 of LA residents are homeless, despite the tremendous efforts of the city, the county, philanthropic and the nonprofit community. These numbers affect every significant demographic group, including youth, families, veterans and the chronically homeless. The crisis is so acute that LA County voters passed two bonds (Measure H and HHH) to give practitioners the badly needed resources to tackle the complexity of issues that come with finding permanent shelter for our homeless population.
Here at LISC, we know that providing housing is not enough, many of those that use these housing services also need employment training, mental health assistance, and access to educational opportunities.
Join us this episode for a conversation about the state of homelessness in LA County and the tools, financing mechanisms, and policies that are available to help house our most vulnerable neighbors.
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Amy Anderson is the Executive Director of PATH Ventures, a nonprofit developer that builds affordable permanent supportive housing.
Rushmore Cervantes is the General Manager of the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department also known as HCIDLA.
Phil Ansell is the Director of the LA County Homeless Initiative.