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LISC: The Maycroft Project’s Lifeline - Q&A with LISC DC Executive Director Ramon Jacobson

In this first-time Q&A with Ramon Jacobson, Executive Director of LISC DC, we delve into the pivotal moment when the fate of Jubilee Housing’s ambitious Maycroft Apartments project hung in the balance. Facing a critical shortfall in funding, Jubilee found itself at a crossroads, balancing the aspirations of the community against the harsh realities of …

From National LISC:

DC Co-Op Residents Are Reaping the Benefits of Ownership Amid Neighborhood Development

DC’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act granted the 1400 Aspen Street Tenants Association the right to seize their building after a decade long fight. LISC, supplemented by the Department of Housing and Community Development’s Preservation Loan Fund, provided $3.9 million in acquisition financing to the association. Since rising above the COVID-19 pandemic and buyout offers, …

From National LISC:

LISC and Coalition Partners Awarded $2 Billion via National Clean Investment Fund

LISC is one of five organizations leading Power Forward Communities, a new coalition investing in green housing and jobs to support economic opportunity and climate resilience. Today, the EPA awarded the coalition $2 billion to implement a decarbonization strategy that also lifts up under-resourced communities—making housing more affordable, mitigating climate impacts and improving local health.