Program Areas

Business District Vitality

Business districts and commercial corridors are not just places where local residents shop and gather; they are places where people build wealth, find jobs, and share, celebrate and preserve community culture.

By investing in a business district's buildings, infrastructure, and local systems, we improve the area's economic vitality and boost the neighborhood’s image while bringing an increased tax base to communities.

Commercial Corridor Resource Hub

LISC’s Commercial Corridor Resource Hub codifies lessons learned from tested community development strategies. It provides practical tools to help community organizations strengthen and revitalize the streets and small businesses that anchor their neighborhoods. Explore our Commercial Corridor Resource Hub and find guides and templates for new projects, examples of past successes, funding opportunities, and other resources to help communities start business district vitality projects locally.

Join us

Find out more about funding greater Business District Vitality today. Photo

Find out more about funding greater Business District Vitality today.

Contact Elizabeth Demetriou, National Program Director, Economic Development.

Email Elizabeth

News & Impact

Industrial District Revitalization in Three Cities

This LISC white paper shows how the collaborative revitalization of industrial districts promotes equitable benefits for businesses and residents and helps bolster surrounding communities.

Learn more