For 25 years, LISC has partnered with the NFL Foundation’s Grassroots Program, bringing funding and technical assistance to create or rehabilitate football fields in communities and schools. The NFL Foundation Grassroots Program provides non-profit, neighborhood-based organizations with financial and technical assistance with the goal of improving the quality, safety, and accessibility of local football fields. The NFL Foundation Grassroots Program provides grants of up to $250,000 for capital improvement projects.
The challenge: Access to safe, well-maintained places for gathering, exercise, and play is essential for the health and well- being of children, adults, and the communities in which we live. However, cities in the U.S. have systemic inequities that significantly affect children’s access to safe playing fields and green spaces. A Trust For Public Land Report on Park Equity found that as many as 28 million kids (over one-third) lack access to safe recreation spaces within a 10-minute walk from home. According to that same report, high-income communities have on average, 66 more acres of parkland than low-income communities.
Our Impact
Nationwide, the program has committed over $63 million to support 437 fields in over 100 cities — all areas where NFL teams have a home base. Fields are newly built or significantly renovated, with improvements that include irrigation systems, lights, bleachers, scoreboards, goal posts and turf.
Threshold Eligibility and Qualification Requirements:
- Be a community-based organization, middle school or high school serving a neighborhood consisting of low-moderate income families and individuals.
- Have at least one-full time staff person who will manage and oversee the project.
- Be in existence for at least three years.
- Have a proven history in real estate development and recreation programming.
- Have 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status or school tax exempt status.
- Be located within the NFL Target Markets outlined in the RFP.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you have questions about the grant program, please visit our Frequently asked Questions page by clicking on the link.
Contact Us
For more information about The NFL Foundation Grassroots Program, please contact the LISC Sports & Recreation Department by email at: