Program Areas

Our Work

We approach our work through four principle strategies. We help local communities create healthier and safer environments; carry out trauma-informed community violence intervention and prevention (CVIPI); offer alternatives to arrest, prosecution, and incarceration; and provide support for people re-entering communities after incarceration. We support these strategies across a variety of settings, both urban and rural, and in neighborhoods, housing developments, schools and commercial districts.

Together with a range of public and private partners, ranging from various departments within the U.S. Department of Justice to Everytown for Gun Safety, we carry out community-led safety initiatives across the U.S., implement alternatives to incarceration in the nation’s most populous county, and support school-based efforts to prevent youth violence and victimization.  

We also work with municipalities and other local governments to help them design and carry out safety projects in neighborhoods, commercial corridors, and other areas.   

Our programs

Alternatives to Incarceration image
LISC is working with the Office of the CEO of Los Angeles County to expand "care first, jails last" options that keep people out of the criminal legal system.
Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) image
LISC helped dozens of communities across the country plan and implement community-led initiatives to reduce crime and violence through the BCJI partnership with the DOJ Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Capacity Building image
LISC invests in building the capacity of community leaders and local government to design and implement collaborative safety initiatives.
Community Violence Intervention and Prevention (CVIPI) image
With support from DOJ's Bureau of Justice Assistance and Everytown for Gun Safety, LISC provides resources to help communities stop violence.
Rural Violent Crime Reduction Initiative image
LISC is working with the DOJ Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Policing Institute to bring evidence-based violence reduction strategies to rural communities across the country.
School-Based Violence Prevention Programs image
With funding from DOJ's Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, LISC supports school districts and community partners to address violence and trauma and make schools safe places for all.