Program Areas

Abbott-LISC Initiative to Support Diverse Businesses in Health

There's an equity gap in the healthcare industry, and it goes beyond patient care. There's a need for greater diversity in the healthcare supply chain – the broad network of businesses that help create the technologies and products that we all depend on to live healthy lives.

Small business owners of diverse backgrounds – including people of color and women – can help drive change in the healthcare industry. But they face real challenges in growing their businesses to provide manufacturing and other essential services in the healthcare industry – which limits broader economic opportunity and health equity in diverse communities.

Abbott and LISC are collaborating to address these barriers through a $37.5 million initiative to support small businesses and the diverse communities they serve. This includes growth capital, loans and coaching to help business leaders grow their companies and create jobs – which will build a more resilient and inclusive healthcare supply chain for Abbott and other companies, support greater diversity in the health care industry, and also help drive broader economic opportunity.

Get started

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information about the initiative.

Diverse small businesses interested in participating are invited to complete an intake form which is a key step in the client journey for this initiative.

Small businesses may also contact
