Program Areas

GA 100

In partnership with LISC, the Atlanta United Community Fund (AUCF) is launching another round of a statewide mini-pitch program, continuing the goal of constructing up to 100 mini-pitches across the state leading into and after the FIFA 2026 World Cup Games:

  • Next Round: Construction of 10+ mini-pitch soccer fields in under resourced communities in Georgia to increase access to safe sports activities, specifically soccer, for youth across the state. Download our next round presentation here.
  • Match Funding:  Grants awarded up to $100,000 and will require a minimum community local match of one dollar for every AUCF dollar (1:1 match).

Download our program description here.

GA 100 in Action

Coastal Outreach Soccer hosted the grand opening of its new futsal court at Perry Park in Brunswick, GA. The construction of the futsal court will allow Coastal Outreach Soccer to expand its soccer programming and the enhancement of Perry Park will be a benefit to the community at large. Over 250 youth were in attendance as reps from Atlanta United conducted soccer clinics and gave away sneakers and soccer balls.

Soccer Down Here Radio Special

Georgia-based radio show, Soccer Down Here, invited Beverly Smith, LISC VP of Sports & Recreation, on to the show to discuss the GA 100 initiative.