CHAM Webinar: Underwriting for Resilience


The webinar begins with a discussion on the development and underwriting of affordable housing and how it is changing due to the pandemic and our country’s rising awareness of racial equity. Promoting resilient housing that puts health, equity and the ability to weather disasters have become essential to affordable housing, it becoming the end goals for the property, residents and communities.

Affordable Housing is now on the cusp of change due to the impacts of the pandemic, completely changing the concept of what it means to have resilient housing and what resources are necessary to fund resilient housing. Risk and resilency go hand in hand, especially in underwriting. Underwriting crieria has progressed and with it the technology has evolved to become an integral part to asset managers and underwriters. Resilency also needs to be reflective through the underwriting as well, to provide a space of residence and communities to truly flourish. 


  • Jim Fox, JP Morgan Chase
  • Cat Vielma, Redstone Equity Partners
  • Chrystal Kornegay, MassHousing
  • David Smith, International Housing Institute

