LISC Leadership Series: Tenant Power, Private Equity, and the Eviction Crisis

Denise Scott, President of LISC, hosted a conversation exploring how tenants are pushing for solutions to rising rents and evictions, and to address private equity’s role in exacerbating the nation’s housing crisis.


Panelists discussed how tenants are organizing to save their homes and create more just local and national housing policies, as well as the role of private equity in fueling the housing crisis. The conversation explored the impact of housing speculation and private equity in the single-family and multi-family rental markets, the role that public policies and the actions of the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) play in the housing crisis, and how tenants and community organizations are working to build power for a just housing future

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LISC research offers rigorous evidence that large landlords have reaped the greatest profits in communities of color, and that this speculation drives evictions and poor housing maintenance quality. But there’s good news too: affordable housing investments create better-maintained homes and remove buildings from the speculative market.

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