Tidewater Gardens

About the project

Brinshore Development was founded in 1994 with the mission to develop affordable housing with three interrelated goals in mind: valuing diversity, achieving sustainability, and shaping the future. Striving to improve lives through collective community building, Brinshore has sponsored the creation of 7,500 affordable units across the country.

Brinshore Development is headquartered in Chicago, IL, and has expanded nationally to reach 75 different locations in 15 cities across the United States.

LISC provided $3.00 million of construction financing to support the commercial portion of Tidewater Gardens, a new mixed-income, mixed-use development that is part of a larger transformative redevelopment of the former Tidewater Gardens public housing site. The first floor commercial will include retail and incubator space. The completed project will include 700 units of housing and 90,000 sq. ft. of commercial and community space, along with a "Blueway" to address the greater area's watershed management.

More LISC Lending's Project Profiles


Brinshore Development


Norfolk, VA

Total Investment:

$3.00 million


80 jobs created or preserved
23,104 sq. ft.

Project Category:

Employment Generation


Construction loan

Sponsor Website:
